Sunbeds are Vitamin D Machines
The Vitamin D Society of Canada recently issued a significant news release: New research reported on the vitamin D effects of tanning salon sunbeds and vitamin D. The study was published in the journal DermatoEndocrinology, and it found that standard tanning salon sunbeds are very effective in raising serum levels of vitamin D. Those who used the beds were able to attain optimal levels (more than 100 nmol/L) [40ngml] D during winter. Actually, another earlier study had also showed similar results, so this research served to corroborate that finding.
The significance of this evidence cannot be overemphasized.
This is transcendentally important information for Canadians! They receive little or no vitamin D-producing sun exposure in winter. It is similarly important for all others who live at high latitudes, work indoors or are rarely exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency, primarily due to lack of sun exposure, is a disaster that becomes larger each year.
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